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Test for water
The essential
about test for water
How to identify water in a substance ?
question worth asking because a liquid doesn't necessarily contain
water, and a solid substance may contains water wich is not observable
with the naked eye.
A Test for water must be used identify water.
Different tests exist but the most commonly used requires anhydrous
copper sulphate.
Anhydrous copper sulphate
The test for water requires a chemical compound: Copper sulfate
This is a white powder.
The term anhydrous is formed of "an" (privative prefix) and
"hydrous" meaning "water": "anhydrous" is therefore almost synonymous
with dehydrated. |
Photo: anhydrous copper sulphate
Copper sulphate formula
The complete name is copper II sulphate which indicates that it
contains copper II ions ( whose formula is Cu2+
) and Sulphate ions ( whose formula is SO42-).
Copper sulphate formula is therefore CuSO4.
copper sulphate
Diagram: water and anhydrous
anydrous copper sulphate that has been in contact with water becomes
hydrated copper sulphate and turns blue.
A copper sulfate hydrate still contains some CuSO4
cristals but also five water molecules ( H2O )
Copper sulfate hydrate can therefore also be called copper sulphate
pentahydrate ( the penta prefix means "five" ).
This change of color is exploited to test for water. |

Photo: blue hydrated
copper sulphate and white anhydrous copper sulphate
test for water with anhydrous copper sulphate
Diagram: test for water in a
Diagram: test for water in a

In each case
if the copper sulphate turns blue it can be concluded that the
substance contains water.
Some results obtained with the
test for water
Substance |
juice |
Lemonade |
Cola |
up liquid |
Result |
Positive |
Positive |
Positive |
Negative |
there water in the substance ? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Substance |
Oil |
Vinegar |
Petroleum |
Milk |
Result |
Negative |
Positive |
Negative |
Positive |
there water in the substance ? |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Substance |
Apple |
Potato |
Tomato |
Paper |
Result |
Positive |
Positive |
Positive |
Negative |
there water in the substance ? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Most of the foods (liquid or solid) contain water but in different
Meat: about 60%
A potato: about 80%
An apple: 85%
A Potato: 93%
A salad: about 95%
A tomato: 98%
Note: fats (such as oil or butter) are exceptions because they do not
contain water
Learn more about test for water
- Investigating
the action of heat on copper
sulphate: method to obtain anhydrous copper sulphate with
hydrated copper sulphate.
- Hydrating anhydrous copper sulphate:
video showing drops of water cast upon anhydrous copper sulphate.
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